Concrete & Civils

Industrial Scheme


North Yorkshire



Concrete 1 Concrete


The challenge was to provide a strong & durable reinforced concrete slab capable of supporting a heavily trafficked area.

ACREO proposed a fibre solution which eliminated the need for conventional mesh reinforcement helping to reduce construction costs and time.

ACREO Fibre Partners, ADFIL were asked to provide an equivalent Synthetic Macro Fibre reinforced solution which provided a safer, quicker and greener alternative to conventional steel mesh reinforcement.
Whilst also providing a durable concrete, which will ensure a long service life in this highly trafficked area.

A professionally indemnified Macro Fibre Solution, using DURUS EasyFinish, was provided by one of ADFILs Consulting Engineers. The solution also included Fibrin XT micro fibre to improve the durability of the concrete and give freeze/thaw protection. The solution was accepted by the Client, Contractor and Consulted Engineer.

The contractor was able to show a significant reduction in construction time by vastly reducing the
need for steel placement and fixing in the construction schedule by eliminating the welded steel

The combination of DURUS Macrofibre with Firbin XT microfibre mix provided a durable concrete,
which will ensure a long service life.

Installation benefits

Macro synthetic fibres do not rust or corrode. This eliminates the risk of a reduced working life of the reinforced concrete. There is no requirement for cutting, fixing and placing of steel mesh. As a consequence build time and overall construction costs are reduced significantly. This is significant reduction in embedded carbon (60%) when compared to steel mesh construction.

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